Sunday, 17 April 2011

Living on the edge!

I can still picture it now. Gwen Stefani running around an Alice in wonderland-inspired maze, wearing these unbelievably high shoes! To this day I’m not sure how she didn’t fall then, let alone when jumping on the mad hatters table! But these shoes were not just limited to the music video. Gwen danced around stage and wore these on the red carpet – now that’s confidence!

These bizarre and risky platform sandals are Christian Dior by John Galliano. They feature satin ribbons that hold the lower leg, almost like a corset. Almost certainly a requirement to ease the risk of snapping an ankle or two!

Gwen Stefani has always had her own unique style of punk rocker cross pin-up girl and these unconventional shoes are taking this style to the next level.

So, what are you waiting for?


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